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The information is, and always has been, a key factor in all areas, not least in the health sector. Too often, people have come to my observation that, in seeking a solution to their problem, had been included in many medical counsellings without getting the answer they sought. Far be it from me to be the right solution of the problem, but I thought that this resulted from a lack of or incorrect information. And if we speak about information the best tool to use now is a website. For this reason it is born, in collaboration with FarmaLem, the idea of creating a site that can offers both my professionalism and the best indications that can generate interest in the navigation of the network; so you can discover my volunteer activities as well as useful information on diseases of surgical interest.


The Coloproctology is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. The most debilitating diseases are, of course, both the inflammatory and neoplastic colorectal cancer, but also the disease called "minor" that affect the anal area can cause serious difficulties in those who are affected, with a significant reduction in quality of life.


For these reasons Coloproctologist must investigate carefully the patient with symptoms, functional impairment, but also the person in all its aspects (holistic approach) to understand whether there are aspects of life that may be affected by the disease or that may affect the disease itself (remember that many of anal diseases have psychosomatic origin).


Attività Libero-Professionale
Federazione A.PI.STOM.




Page created il 01/12/2008
Last review  01/11/2013





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